KAF-Sponsored Publications and Publication Projects

We provide funding for the translation projects of independent translators, groups, and organizations. Funding is given for translation work, editing, and other publication expenses. KAF also provides sponsorship for the publishing of Dharma texts prepared by other authors, as well as for projects focused on the online distribution and archiving of Tibetan texts, such as the Sakya Digital Library, a Sakya text repository compiled in collaboration with IBA.

Below is a selection of publications and projects that have received financial support from us. These translations have not been commissioned, edited, or published by KAF.



Words of a Gentle Sage – Collected Teachings of Khenchen Appey Rinpoche, Vol.1

Author: Khenchen Appey Rinpoche

Editor: Christian Bernert, Chödung Karmo Translation Group

Publisher: Vajra Publications


The Discipline of the Novice Monk

Authors: Nagarjuna, Ngorchen Kunga Zangpo

Translators: Lobsang Dagpa, Migmar Tsering, Jay Goldberg


The Yogini’s Eye – Comprehensive Introduction to Buddhist Tantra

Author: Sonam Tsemo

Translators: Wayne Verrill, Ngor Thartse Khenpo Sonam Gyatso (Hiroshi Sonami)

Publisher: Xlibris


A Brief Introduction to Buddhism and the Sakya Tradition

Author: Christian Bernert, Chödung Karmo Translation Group


Who am I? – Fundamentals of Buddhist Thought

Author: Christian Bernert, Chödung Karmo Translation Group


The Sutra of Recollecting the Three Jewels: A Commentary by Khenchen Appey Rinpoche

Author: Khenpo Appey Rinpoche

Translators: Beru Jampa Losal, Jay Goldberg

Publication Projects

Byoma Kusuma Buddhadharma Sangha, Nepal

KAF provides monthly subsidized funding to support the translation of Dharma texts (Tibetan & English) into Nepali and Indian languages.
